No, that is against my spiritual beliefs. Everyone’s dating preferences vary. Would you ever date someone that is HIV positive? This page was last edited on 2 March 2021, at 22:05. questions filled with grammar or spelling errors). Would you avoid all contact with an ex if your current significant other asked you to? Do you believe that courteous behavior, such as saying "thank you" or holding a door, is important even when the other person involved does not deserve it? If you saw a man knitting in public what would you think? Is it important to you to have the last word in an argument? Yes, I drink it straight from the carton. A bird has built a nest on your house or garage. It would make me feel better, but she would be free in our open relationship. OKCupid is a unique dating site because OKCupid is all about the questions. Imagine you're having the perfect conversation with your ideal partner. We won't know until we die & then still might not. I would let soonest sex be up to her, but don't keep me waiting too long. Has anyone ever written you a romantic poem? Each profile on OkCupid displays an estimated compatibility rate. It carries over all of the Basic plan perks, but Premium users have the upper hand in the dating pool. Has anyone ever accused you of being "high maintenance"? You can answer more of these questions at any time to create a more complete profile that will attract the right people. And then they ask “wanna Tex”, or “do u text”? Please recover my id as soon as possible so that I can step ahead with your services again. Do you freak out when you get a little upset? Have you ever gotten, or would you ever get, a piercing below the belt? Are people who believe in the paranormal (IE: Ghosts, Vampires, Aliens, ESP, etc.) According to OkCupid, these singles are “higher-intent” daters – as they appear to be more invested in the process of finding a relationship. Should adults be required by law to wear seatbelts when riding as passengers in automobiles? Which would you prefer your ideal match to be more into? OkCupid says in The Hangover report that the average user answer 125 questions. Do you have a survival kit prepared just in case a disaster occurs and normal services are disrupted for an extended period of time? Do you need "alone time" to re-charge after social situations? Go to a club or bar, and maybe meet someone new. Hi team YasirPlease can you check why my account has been block and can you open ithere are violation let me know i wicare of it next time, page says safari on my apple has won't open the page as too may redirects have occurred. If your significant other turned down sex in favor of a video game, after you have already had sex three times that day, would you be offended? Some friends invite you to go camping where there are no showers, no toilets, and no services. If you’ve made it this far, you’re in the final stretch! Would you strongly prefer to go out with someone of your own skin color / racial background? Jobs. If you were involved in a serious relationship, at which of the following points would you begin looking for new potential partners? Would you run into a burning building to rescue your pet? I would cross dress more often if my mother was not against me doing it (panties and bra included, but wear them anyway). Have you ever purchased a math textbook purely for your own enjoyment? Which would you do? OKCupid is a unique dating site because OKCupid is all about the questions. See the answers to your potential match’s questions before you respond to them As you can see, OkCupid Premium doesn’t go overboard with a long list of benefits. Would you ever picket a business that you do not approve of? Have you ever lead someone on romantically just for fun? Is it possible for someone to really be 'too nice'? How much do you spend per year for shoes? It is clearly labeled, "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOUR BIRTHDAY!" I would want them to make their own decision. Yes, there is nothing here that holds me. Fraud Very Rarely. Do you have any "extreme" piercings (this includes anything other than ears, nose, or navel)? Have you performed in a theater setting as an adult? There would be no chance for this person. Unconcerned: I don't actively lick doorknobs. The single person who leads someone to cheat. Would you date someone who still lives with his/her parents? Is this a problem? Who is worse? Which is more important in determining whether someone should be your friend? I usually steal products rather than pay for them. How often do you find yourself becoming annoyed because other people just don't seem to understand the obvious? OKCupid will allow you to make your answers to certain questions public or private depending upon your own preferences. Do you believe you can communicate using only your mind (telepathy)? Which do you use to get the fire going? Would you consider dating a law enforcement officer? How does this affect your opinion of them? In a relationship I like to discuss politics with my partner. Your significant other wants to go to a strip club with a few friends. OkCupid. Who is more annoying, the person who talks too much or the person who doesn't talk enough? Have you ever told someone that you loved them when you didn't? You’re just trying to find a date. Are you an intellectual? What is your reaction? If a very skinny stray cat were to come to your doorstep, would you feed it, believing that if you did, it would probably keep coming back? Would you consider having an open relationship, where you can see other people? Do you prefer hardcore or softcore when it comes to your porn? Never, even if explicitly asked about them. Could you date someone who was really messy? These questions are randomly assigned, and can be answered whenever the user feels like it. No talking allowed upon the start of the film, Talking during and usually about the trailers, No, it's my right to waste as much as I want, Spy on them from up the street, see where they go. Looking toward the future, which of the following do you see as most important for you in ten years? Politically, which are more important to you right now? Have you ever fired a real gun? According to Okcupid FAQs on the settings page you'll see a list of your subscriptions and will see a "Turn off automatic billing" link. Would you consider dating someone a LOT more sexually experienced than you? Are you more concerned about possibility of being killed as a result of a terrorist attack or a traffic accident? Do you usually wash your hands before every meal? Does that sound like a lot to you? I'll bring the hot cocoa/coffee/tea. If a potential partner has children living in their home, would it be important for you to meet them before you committed yourself to a relationship? Approximately how many hours per week do you dedicate to spiritual activity? You decide to: How willing are you to meet someone from OkCupid in person? Reason, Observation, Empiricism, Trial-And-Error. You. Is it a requirement that you communicate every day with your significant other (via phone, text, in person, whatever)? Have you ever written a screenplay or stage play? I prefer to meet in person Immedtately or ASAP. Do you use the word "ain't" in everyday conversation? How do you generally feel about people who tend to hug others whom they've just met? Have you had sex with at least that many people? Interactive jokes work best on an app like OkCupid, such as “Knock Knock” jokes because they elicit curiosity. He/she leaves you alone to go take a quick shower. Are you aware of the existence of any nude photos of yourself on the Internet? If your best friend began talking of suicide and asked you not to tell anyone, would you be willing to honor their request? Would you ever consider dating an open-minded atheist? It did not happen (F***ing, D***ed Facebook, Ruining Socializing and making Reunions considered outdated and obsolete). About Site. Moreover, I didn't send any vulgar/inappropriate text to any person. i was wondering....when your viewing someones profile and you click to see important their seems like it only gives you a few that the person marked "a key question" and it doesn't seem to tell you their answer. Do you feel like you're still hurting from something that happened to you a long time ago? The questionnaire is quite lengthy and is made up of 30+ screens where you will answer questions about yourself and then multiple-choice questions to determine your best matches. How would you feel about a significant other. You believe there were no witnesses. You see a mother breastfeeding at the mall. How often are you open with your feelings? level 1. the sweetest peach on the tree5 years ago. Have you ever been cruel to another person? Do you mind getting really dirty working or playing outside? If a police officer is found guilty of a crime, do you believe the punishment should be more or less severe than for the average citizen? About Girls. Please tell me real cause How i will get back or delete my account plz. When answering these questions, you need to be honest. It's their body. When it comes to gambling, which is closest to your style? Do you, or have you ever, read a text book or technical manual for fun/pleasure? Can you help as we are both interested and I have no way of getting in touch with him. Let's say you have recently met a new potential significant other. Would you consider dating a vegetarian or vegan? The most important question to ask yourself when making a decision is... Would you consider dating someone who plans to remain celibate indefinitely? We’re not shy about asking the hard questions at OkCupid — in fact, they play a big role in fueling our insanely sophisticated matching algorithm. Not by Facebook and not by sms. How would you feel if a significant other forgot your birthday, nameday, anniversary, or something else similarly important to you? How do you dispose of your used chewing gum? Visit rate 9.0. A difference of opinion over which of the following topics would most likely make you think twice about dating someone? Have you ever yelled at the TV while watching sports? Can you remember the names of everyone you've ever had sex with? Did you join OkCupid just so you could find people to have sex with? Would you be happy raising the kids while your spouse worked? A Super Bowl, World Series, or sports championship. Other than when going to bed for the night, how often do you fall asleep while watching TV? Still I am unable in logging in into my ID. The answers provide interesting and thoroughly generalized insights into human behavior. McKinlay’s tip for … Your significant other wants to move every few years, to experience different parts of the country or world. Step 3: Answer the questions. Do you consider astrology to be a legitimate science? Do you find glasses on the opposite sex attractive? Just before you can tell your partner, he or she gives you the following news: "I have been diagnosed with cancer and probably only have one year to live.". What do you do? The Passport Stack lets you connect with people all over the world. How important is it to you to have your own unique "thing" (like a weekly Girls' Night Out or Guys' Movie Night) that you don't share with your partner(s)? How often in conversation are you likely to use an exact quote from a movie, play, or TV show? Have you ever heard a recording of your own voice? Jealousy: healthy or unhealthy, in the context of a relationship? Each profile on OkCupid displays an estimated compatibility rate. No, my mom/roommate/partner mostly does it for me. You walk out of your home first thing in the morning, late for work and in a serious hurry because you greatly enjoy your job and don't want to lose it. Having a partner with a weaker sex drive. I sincerely wish it was not acceptable for Men to be topless in the first place. Someone in an open relationship asks you out on a date. The higher force messes with everyone's heads, and we all have Random Access Memory in our Biological Computers, so it can pop up even at random. It would vary, depending upon their profile. Would you ever consider a relationship where you would take on an exclusive sexual role as master or slave? Would you allow your partner to kiss you after performing oral sex on you? Have you smoked a cigarette in the last 6 months? Is it logically inconsistent to support the death penalty but oppose abortion? How familiar are you with the methods OkCupid uses to match people? Are you annoyed by people who are super logical? Do you often have strong opinions about the government? Are you looking for a partner to have children with? Could Evolution and Intelligent Design both be right? Imagine you have only $50 and will not receive any additional income for ten days. Most of the 600 are from idly browsing matches' questions and answering one or two that seemed interesting. Would you leave an otherwise perfect relationship if you found out your partner was interested in children sexually? What would be more likely to bother you in a relationship? If you were forced right now to discover with absolute certainty one and only one of the following related to the future instance of your death, which would you choose to learn? Is it possible for your partner to be too ambitious? Have you ever intentionally left a book in a public place, hoping someone else would pick it up and read it? Popular age 20-25. Is it ever acceptable to have a sexual relationship with someone who you have professional authority over? Do you ever feel the need to get really drunk? I like to try a few times just to make sure. With thousands of questions submitted and voted on by its users, you can easily spend days of idle time answering them. Do you allow that to affect your opinion of the person? Would you wear your partner's underclothing if they wanted you to? That would be the end of that encounter. We need to recover / purchase the real pieces. bother you? You can re-answer a question on the web by clicking "re-answer" next to the question. For the most part she is covered, but you can tell what she is doing. You only have two flammable items for kindling. When swallowed as a pill, it will completely and permanently eliminate feelings of guilt for prior events. Which do you find more intriguing? Yes, and I'm a little embarrassed about it. In terms of sex, how experienced would your ideal mate be (with people other than you)? Would you let your children under 13 watch movies with full nudity? Share. It is selling for more money than you make in a year. Whatever they do in private is their business. When cooking food in the microwave, do you often impatiently hit the cancel button within the last few seconds rather than waiting? Would it bother you if a platonic friend touched you casually during a conversation? Only if their justification seems reasonable. Keep the truth to myself regardless of what it is. How do you feel about living with a significant other before marriage? After tasting a bit of it, you notice it hasn't been cooked completely. Most of all, I want to meet someone who deserves MY: If you inadvertently found a phone number in a partner's pocket, which would you do? would you know the answer right away? I guess they can do what they want if they're 18, People have an unqualified right to their own body. ... Answer questions. Scrape the hair off and put the item away. If a blind date used a coupon while paying for dinner, how would you feel? As long as the person has the right parts for their half of the reproduction. Someone you are interested in sometimes becomes very emotional over forms of art (movies, music, poetry.) How many pillows do you sleep with at night? Having a partner with a greater sex drive. Do you think partial birth abortion should be banned? Humans were brought to Earth from the stars. Physically: Average; Mentally: Stressed; Emotionally: Fair to Good. If you had to pick one of the following locations for a first date, which would be most appealing? Would you be willing to date a married couple? Are you okay with people who grow marijuana for their own personal use? Have you ever had a ghost or spirit around you and you could feel it? How would you react if someone IM'd you and quickly started talking about sex? They're busy doing whatever it is they like to do, and you're bored. develop a sudden, severe case of the flu. One is a novel. If you like someone a lot, do you usually ask them out? The most important questions on OkCupid - The OkCupid Blog Part of the OkCupid legacy is that, back in the early aughts, we included questions that were user-submitted, so as a result, there are some questions that are truly difficult to answer — but still important to think about. Have you ever seen your bestfriend naked? Would you consider connecting with someone whose relationship status is 'seeing someone' or 'married'? Do you have any interest in collecting coins? OkCupid Questions List. Imagine while on a first date, your date brings up a controversial political issue that you feel strongly about. It would take a little while for me, but I do have empathy. Mainly because of being lonely from being single and PUBLICALLY [sic] Invisible. Your ideal partner…. Are you a 'double dipper'? If a close friend doesn't call you for a week, do you start worrying that he hates you? I don't understand what violation terms please reply thanks. Terminate the relationship, effective immediately. How do you feel about women openly displaying tattoos? With my partner, but apart (not touching). Have you ever given an answer on a test or quiz that you knew with perfect certainty to be correct, even though you were confident another answer was expected and that your 'correct choice' would not receive credit? How would you describe your emotional diversity? You just prepared some food in your kitchen and made a mess. What do you do? I'm reading something any day of the week; there are a lot of words in everything. Step 3: Answer the questions. stands back, but comforts you if you fail. Imagine you have a partner who is able to provide financially for you and any children. Devastate their Soul for Destroying Mine from Emotional Tortures! If you got married, would you change your name? Do most politicians really want to make the world a better place? Would you ideally like to be married within the next 3 years? My self esteem has been low for a long while. 9.3. Do you like cats? Which pubic hair style do you prefer for a partner? Which would be closest to your response? I find scatterbrained people cute. Have you ever dated or been with an exotic dancer? …You want to answer specific questions that show you’re open to sex, so that the OkCupid algorithm matches you with girls open to knockin’ boots. Yes, and I often try to push the boundaries! If someone asked you, "What's the worst thing you've ever done?" The person behind you just has only one or two. Imagine that your partner does not enjoy performing oral sex and refuses to ever perform it on you. A person you're interested in attempts to cook a romantic meal for you. How many people have you kissed that are not related to you, in a more than friendly way? Wtf kinda site is this. Would you walk up to a stranger and tell them you think they're beautiful? Have you ever entered into a relationship out of desperation? Okcupid support are not answer over a month It not ok, I just want to know whether my account is active or not. Would you consider dating someone who's had a gender change? Of the following, which do you spend the most time doing while taking a bath or shower? Should sex education be given to children under 15? Is it wrong to sleep in a bed/cuddle with a friend (of the sex you're attracted to) when you're in an exclusive relationship with someone else? What's the gender distribution of the vocalists in your music collection? Straight women who kiss or fondle each other in clubs in the hopes of attracting men are... How would you feel if your partner asked you to get tested for STDs before having sex with you for the first time? Would you--for any reason--read your mate's email or pose as him/her online, without his/her knowledge and permission? If I saw someone do something that deeply offended me or was illegal, I would: Do you feel comfortable in an educational or academic environment? If I had to choose among the following for an ideal romantic partner, I'd choose: You win a contest for a choice between two million dollar homes, you take... Is it equally bad for a man and woman to cheat on a partner? You have just been unfairly laid off from work. Your significant other's ex is coming into town and he/she wants to go out to dinner with them alone. For which emotion is self-restraint the most crucial? I lie, cheat, AND steal. Yes, on occasion. Is it okay for a guy to talk openly about his sexual exploits? This would be an unacceptable demand. Ask a Question About Okcupid . What will you do? The charge was minor and was dropped. How often do you send greeting cards for holidays and birthdays? In a relationship, who do you prefer to be taller? Hover your mouse over the question. Well, there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of questions in total. Have you ever recited a poem that you did not write to someone as a means of expressing your mood or feelings? Could you be in a relationship with someone who had been previously sexually abused? I am not sure, and I do not know Everything. If you could erase any pain from your past and substitute those moments with happiness, would you? My relationship would be open, but I would still feel shock form the surprise. Do you tend to blow off your responsibilities? How much would you dress up for a first date with someone you met on OkCupid? Tìm kiếm how to answer more questions on okcupid , how to answer more questions on okcupid tại 123doc - Thư viện trực tuyến hàng đầu Việt Nam The person you are dating has a different faith or religion than you. To create a profile on OkCupid, you will also need to answer some questions, but they put them less directly, which both brings out more sincerity and makes the process more fun. When judging people, are you harsher on them than you would be on yourself? UGH!!! How often do you tell your platonic friends that you love them? Do you think that the psychological differences between human males and females are better explained by nature or nurture? With thousands of questions submitted and voted on by its users, you can easily spend days of idle time answering them. mental hospital/institution.). Some religions are more correct than others. Lmao what the *** is Tex? Do you have (or are you getting) a degree from one of the 8 ivy league universities, MIT, Stanford, Duke, U Chicago, or Caltech? Are you willing to wear uncomfortable clothes to look good? The last step to completing your profile are the basic questions. When you hear the name Dylan what is the first to come to mind? Yes, I buy and/or sell collectible coins. If you were visiting a new city, where would you be most excited to go? Which are you better at remembering, names or faces? How much would you enjoy hosting a big, crazy party? Would you consider dating someone who had spent considerable time in a mental health facility? Consistent proper English: We are not at school! Would you consider performing anilingus on a partner who asked you to? Do you take pills when you have a headache? More severe punishment for convicted criminals, Yes, for some other reason or no reason at all. Are you an adventurous eater? As long as we were mutually honest with each other. When was your favorite book written? On the app, tap the question you'd like to re-answer. Upon reading the document and finding the truth, you must decide whether or not to share the proof with the world. For Tips On The Most Answered and Most Skipped Questions on OkCupid, check out their post. How do you react? Yes, they shouldn't be keeping secrets anyway. Have you ever cosplayed? all crazy or suffering from some sort of mental disorder/delusion? If you knew with certainty that you could go to a wonderful afterlife and everything would be fantastic, would you kill yourself? No, it is both unhealthy and against my beliefs. Are you the type of person to tell a homeless person to get a job? The more laid back, smaller, or classic rides. Could you date someone androgynous (neither distinguishably masculine nor feminine)? In your ideal sexual encounter, do you take control, or do they? The tickets are $50. As long as she was born female and was still female (or a tomboy). After dating someone for a while, you finally get to see where they live. (i.e. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? No, but I don't think it's inherently wrong. Do you consider yourself to be a picky eater? How do you maintain your pits? Which of the following would be most likely to scare you away? If you were in a long-term monogamous relationship, would you consider your partner "open mouth" kissing someone else cheating? We had started a conversation and we are both interested. My late father appears often in my dreams. My relationship would be open, and I would want her to be happy, as long as she was honest with me. While driving home, you stop at an intersection with a red traffic light. If you had to name your greatest motivation in life thus far, what would it be? Wal-Mart, Target, etc. Do you only date people with athletic and toned bodies? What's your deal with harder drugs (not marijuana)? If a significant other requested that you stop wearing antiperspirant or deodorant, is this something you would seriously consider? Do people tend to turn to you for answers pertaining to subjects you know little about? How willing would you be to try out new things sexually with a partner? Have you ever talked your way out of a traffic ticket? Imagine that scientists create a new drug. In terms of height, how do you compare to others of your sex? How important is it that incoming messages on OkCupid come from people who have a high match percentage with you? Your significant other is traveling and has the opportunity to stay with a good friend that you know they find to be very attractive. That's a personality trait we have to share. That is the question. You find this: On average, how do your friends compare to you, age-wise? Neither - I'd prefer to not have children at all. You're in a serious, monogamous relationship when your partner gets offered their dream job overseas for three years. In the right-hand corner there’s a button to “re-answer.”. If you were in your last moments of life after a traffic accident, and someone from another faith was holding your hand attempting to comfort you in your last moments, what would your thoughts be about that? Which of the following broad gender descriptions are you most attracted to? How frequently do you go out of your way to make others feel appreciated? If you really clicked with someone online and were meeting them in person, how would you greet them when you met them? You see a harmless insect in your living space. Do you try to draw attention to your body by wearing seductive clothing? Do you see a pattern in the type of people you usually end up in relationships with? I wrap it up and/or dispose of it neatly. Imagine that your partner has a horrible accident and is left in a coma and on life support. Have you ever randomly followed a stranger because you found them attractive? Imagine your first face-to-face meeting with someone you met online has just gone well, but lacked the spark of your prior online contact. How often should your significant other buy you gifts, jewelry, or other things more expensive than, say, dinner, cards, or flowers? They begin to date someone else who seems to make them happier than you do. Which olfactory strategy would you prefer a partner take when on a date with you? About Site. 0%. Would you consider dating someone who confers on relationship decisions with an. When using a computer, at a desk, do you: If a significant other decided s/he wanted to have or adopt six children with you, would this be okay? Do you want your partner to be kinkier than you? I get up immediately when the alarm sounds. Should healthcare be funded by the government? If you had an eighteen year old son or daughter who wanted to become an adult film star, how would you react? Do you believe in an energy field that surrounds us that we can manipulate through reiki, acupuncture, chakra balancing, yoga, or some other system? Make any changes you'd like, then tap Submit. Who are you more worried about disappointing? I think most sources have a hidden agenda. Only if we needed a break from each other for a while. How trusting are you where it concerns your government?